The Journey of Qanbūs
Time: October 1 - October 31
The Journey of Qanbūs
With only two professional players and one luthier, the Qanbous instrument is at risk of ceasing to exist. This course was created to help save the jeopardized Qanbous by telling its colourful history narrated by prominent figures central to its journey.
You will get to meet Ahmad Al-Tashi a Yemeni Architect interested in re-introducing and promoting one of the oldest musical instruments in Yemen and the world, or what is known as 'Qanbus' or 'Turbi', an ancient Yemeni music instrument that disappeared at the half of the twentieth century.
Al-Tashi will be breaking down techniques of playing the Qanbus and its life story. In addition to meeting prominent figures central to the journey of Qanbus, you're yet to discover.
Produced by Yemen Used to Be with the partial support of the German Goethe-Instutut.