"There’s No Present Without The Past, Nor A Future Without The Present"

"There’s No Present Without The Past, Nor A Future Without The Present"




Yemen’s diverse culture, traditions and art are exhibited through visual stories. Here, we have been telling everyday stories of common people and important figures; which allows Yemenise to relate to their invaluable history.

Stamps have been key enablers of a system that links humans worldwide by physical messages. Today, we preserve them as visual testimonials of our near history and a crucial part of our unpreserved visual culture.

“Togetherness” in the Ramadani social councils in Yemen. We aimed to manifest details that people have begun missing because of the war.

20th of August 2019, happened in Sana'a, Yemen, our first induction exhibition aimed at reaching a larger segment of the people and moving from the virtual world of Social Media to a wider scope of our community.

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